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Land Awe-Inspiring Guests And Get Them To Open Up

2:00 pm
Room 361
Attend this Workshop

This is the centrepiece and the difference between a GREAT podcast and one that will be forgotten days after people subscribe.

Everyone and everything are competing for time. Your audience’s time is the bloodline to your podcast.

Your job as a content creator and podcaster is to hold their attention and better yet, evoke emotions and inspire your audience to make a change.

That is the opportunity presented in every episode. Whether it is a 5-min rant or getting your superstar guest to share like never before, your mission is to deliver as much value as humanly possible.

This personal talk by Jay Wong; host of The Inner Changemaker will highlight for you the process of landing awe-inspiring guests and getting those guests to give as much value as possible to your audience.

As Stephen Covey would say, “Think Win-Win”

The Inner Changemaker Podcast is a show dedicated to purpose-driven entrepreneurs and passionate creators. It was awarded #1 spot in Self-Improvement and Business when it launched in 2015.

Feel free to take a listen –

Jay Wong is an international speaker, podcaster and adventurer. He believes everyone has a story to share through their own creations.

Key Take Aways

  • How to land BIG time guests (such as Bob Proctor, Penelope Trunk and Alex Ikonn)
  • How to create a REAL relationship with influencers
  • How to get your awesome guests to share like they have never shared before
  • How to research like a rockstar and sound knowledgable
  • Learning to listen to your intuition during the interview
Intermediate Podcasting &
Digital Media Workshop


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