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The Personal Self-Reflection Challenge: Unleash Your Potential!

10:00 am
Room 361
Attend this Workshop

This session will begin with a discussion of the power of mobile social media strategies to succeed in business. But then we will switch gears to discuss how those same technologies may actually be making us less productive and less satisfied with our lives.

This workshop will utilize live polling via smartphones to help you to reflect on your current state of happiness, motivation, inspiration, peacefulness, stress level, confidence, relationships, friendships, health, etc.

1. With certain basic aspects of your life in order, it will be much easier for you to “Unleash your Full Potential.”
2. But, even in the face of adversity, you can still “Unleash your Full Potential.”

Your Workshop Leaders:

Tom Vassos (MBA, Rotman School of Management)
* 35-year marketing veteran at IBM
* 30+ years teaching at the U of T, primarily teaching MBA/EMBA classes at Rotman and in international programs in China
* Author, “Strategic Internet Marketing”
* Author, “Destination Innovation: Creative Mobile Marketing and Commerce Strategies”

Lisa Sugar (BA, York University)
20+ years as a vocational rehabilitation counsellor with a focus on career counselling and job placement
Author, “Ten Days to DIE – Ten Ways to LIVE” (
Book signing will occur at the end of the workshop.

We look forward to seeing you at this workshop! 🙂

Key Take Aways

  • Mobile devices and social media can be powerful tools for making connections with others, however...
  • Focus on the power of being fully engaged in the moment to make those around you feel SPECIAL.
  • "Ten Treasured Insights" that can help you build more fulfilling relationships and a better life.
  • Ninety percent of what happens to you in life is about your attitude towards the event, and only ten percent is about the event itself.
  • Do not focus on things that do not really matter; know the difference between negotiables and non-negotiables.
Beginner Community, Activism &
Culture Workshop


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